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WELCOME-- Over the years we have written and produced many study books, which dealt with real life issues.  I would write and produce these books, and give them out at no charge to all who attended our services.  These are not small booklets, but are full size books, with on average over two hundred pages.

We have completed a new three book series, which deals with some of today's most pressing life issues.   This three book series is comprised of over seven hundred fully illustrated pages,  which are designed in such a way as to add simplicity to some of the most complex issues.   We will be making this three book series available for you in ebook form or in printed form very soon. 

 Below we give a grand overview of the various issues that we address in this book series.   You can stroll past this list and view the image that corresponds with the numbered item on this list, compare below.   

You can also stroll further down and view many of our other books

THE BEAST RISING--Thousands of years ago God prophetically told us that we would be at the place we have arrived at..  And thousands of years ago, He have us the answers that many are so desperately seeking. 

It is in the book of Daniel that we are introduced to the beastly system   It’s there that we are told of an end time rising of the fourth and final beastly system   Among the various beastly mentioned by Daniel, he notes that the fourth beast will be more ferocious than any of its predecessors  

 “After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it.”

Daniel further tells us, of some notable characteristic of this end time beast system  And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws:”   Dan 7:25. 

God saw the future long before we got here and has provided us with sound advice and guidance.  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Rev 1.  God knows everything,  he knows the past because he was there,  He knows the present because he is here, and he know the future, because he is already in all of our tomorrows waiting for us to show up.. 

For us as believers, we are now facing issues that just a few short years ago never came to mind.  Yet God addressed these issues thousands of years ago.  In this three book series, we address many of the complex issues we now face.

As Dr Albert Mohler, Jr. explains,  “We are now witnessing a sexual and lifestyle storm brewing whose winds is blowing away the traditional  structures of basic human identity.

Starting with the most basic structure of all which is the distinctive roles of  male and females.  Words such  as male—female, husband---wife,  mother---father which were once the common vocabulary of every society in its own language, are now under tremendous pressure to conform to this so called liberal  mindset that has invaded every area of our society.

 Many of those who now demand revolutionary changes in these areas (marriage family, child rearing and sex education),  make clear, there will be no model of a normative family structure left in its wake.”

Many who claim to be societal repair experts, tell us that they have the solution to undo the chaos, evil and violence,  that has saturated our society.  They tell us that what is needed is, better educational and employment opportunities, and a platform where there can proper dialogue among people from every class and walk of life.  

We can be sure that a loving God, would agree with the right of all to have better educational and employment opportunities, and the importance of having a platform where there can proper dialogue.  

God loves us and He gives us the real  solution for the perilous times we now live in.

According to our loving heavenly father, the real solution is to make Him and His guidelines our number one priority.  He promises that if we are willing to do this, He will shower His blessings of healing upon us.  Even if the world at large, does not take this offer seriously, we as believers should. 

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  2nd Chrn 7:14.

The time is now, we have hid in the closet of fear, and complacency far too long.   If we continually give in and give up, in regards' to reaching others with God’s love and truth, eventually we will have nothing left. 

God’s words of encouragement and admonition has not changed, neither should we“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”  1st Cor 15.   
May God’s blessings be upon you  


Singleness-Dating-Marriage.  In conjunction with this three book series, we have also competed our book, which deals with, Singleness, Dating, and Marriage.   This book capsulate much of what the three book series covers in regards to marriage and family life.   Much has changed in the past few years, when it comes to these issues.  In this book which we will be teaching from later on,  we address the many complex issues, today's end time generation now face.   

 Over the past few years, the concept of what constitutes a committed, loving, meaningful  and positive relationship has gone through a major metamorphosis. Greater numbers of people are questioning the institution of marriage. 

 Just a short time ago, none could have dreamed that so many today would be choosing “alternative lifestyle,” and that many centuries of basic marital values and customs would be under attack, challenged, lampooned and ridiculed as out-of-date.

For today’s younger generation who are now considering options such as singleness, dating and marriage, the whole relational-ship landscape has dramatically changed. Just a short time ago, most people could not have envisioned the relational-ship issues we are now facing:  Some notable examples being, 1. The matter of cohabitation,  2. The issue of same sex unions, 3. The dramatic rise in divorce, and the aftermath.  4.  The impact of online dating, and 5.  The impact that internet porn is having regarding what one expects sexually out of a relationship. 

Relationally speaking today’s generation now find themselves in a wide range of situations,. This includes items such as happily single, unhappily single,  happily married, unhappily married, happily separated, unhappily separated, happily divorced, unhappily divorce, and the list goes on.   We have dealt with many of these and similar issues over the past forty years of ministry:  Much of the counseling we gave regarding these relational matters are outlined throughout this book. 

Whether you are single married, or in between, this book is packed with over 200 pages of vital information.  To read portions of this book, as well as to view the table of content,   These are actual chapters in this book,  which shows the many easy to understand illustration we utilize,  click on the above book cover.

GOD'S SEXUAL REALITY----  Thanks to the dramatic increase in knowledge we now have the electronic media. As a result we now are swamped with cable TV and the internet.   Our generation is being exposed to sexual images and subject matter on a level never before seen in history.  This easy access to sexual imagery has created a bold and brazen new sexual horizon.  This new sexual landscape is having a devastating affect on marriages and families. 


  God saw this sexual reality coming long before we did.  That is why he purposely slowed down the increase of knowledge, at the tower of Babel.  I must confess that even I find it difficult to address  some of today's sexual issues.  Many of our young people, (your sons, daughters, nephews, and grand-kids) have been swamped with the tidal wave of sexual imagery which is now available.  I strive to biblically answer many of these issues, in a way which is respectful to you and that honors God.  

THE BEAST RISING— Here we give you a few excerpts in regards to what our three book series is all about.  You can click on the click on sign to read more, or continue to stroll down and view our other books.    For students of biblical prophecy, the most anticipated end time events is the rise of the entity which is known as. “ the beast.”

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth.   And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:   

 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. And all the world wondered after the beast.   And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, Rev 13:1-17

There has been much debate and speculation, in regards to who this beast is, and what receiving the mark of the beast entails.   While there’s room for debate in this area, the Bible makes it clear what the goal of the beast is.   The goal of this beast is to   #1. Exalt itself above God,   #2. To initiate disrespect, and disbelief  toward God on the highest level,  #3. To systematically attack and wear down the believers, #4. To completely destroy the nation of Israel

 As John tells us,   And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle.  And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them”  Rev 13:5-7.   

According to Christ, the rising of the beast will coincide with a dramatic rise in the stress and anxiety level of most of the inhabitants of the earth. As Christ tells us, “Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”  Lk 21:28.

Much of this fearfulness and dread will be closely linked to the dire consequences that will befall those who refuse to go along with the beast’s agenda. Today we are seeing a mindset rising up from the mass of humanity, which is more and more both anti God,  and rejecting His guidelines

As we note throughout this series,  The goal of this beast is to   #1. To initiate disrespect, and disbelief  toward God on the highest level,  #2. To systematically attack and wear down the believers. And  #3.  To instill laws, and guidelines to undo the standards of times past.  

Even now many are more and more afraid to speak out against this tidal wave of God rejection.  They are fearful because they realize that to refuse to take the mark, (go along with the beast’s agenda) would hinder them from buying and selling.    Thereby  to reject the beast’s agenda, would have an adverse affect on their finances.   They are also fearful because they realize that to refuse to go along with the beast’s agenda, will put them in harms way, which could even lead to their physical demise.   Click on the book covers to read portion of this book.

Satan has a set agenda, and set targets.  Depending on which part of the world you live, Satan’s usage of his beastly entity, manifest itself differently.  

For example the way the beastly system manifest itself, is countries such as Iran, is not the same way it manifest itself in China, and the way this beastly system manifest itself in China, is not the same way it manifest itself, in the western nations.   

In our western nations we are seeing the systematic  undoing of God's most basic guidelines.  These were the guidelines that many in our nation, (saved and unsaved) gave heed to.  And it was the adherence to these guidelines, (though we were not perfect), that allowed God to bless our nation like no other. 

These are the same guidelines that are being rejected to our nation’s own hurt.  It is also the rejection of these guidelines, that puts every one who seeks to maintain these guidelines, IN THE CROSSHAIRS. 

It is  the mind set and modes of conduct, that we are now seeing in the western nations, that confirms that we as a nation is becoming a mirror image of Sodom. It is our western nations that is leading the stampede back to Sodom, and only a 2nd Chronicle response on our part, can stem the tide. 

Before you stroll through our other books,   I would like to explian that I have not forgotten where the Lord brought me from.   As I explain when sharing mt story,  it was on May 23st 1974 that I had a radical (born again) encounter with Christ, that totally changed my life for the good, (you can read my story on this site). 

As I have often admitted when sharing my story, I did many things sexually, criminally, and relation-nal ship wise, that I am now ashamed of.   I hurt others, I hurt myself, and I’m sure I was a great disappointment to God.  It is perhaps the words of the apostle Paul which best express how I honestly view myself.   "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."  1st Tim 1:15-16.  When sharing my story I openly acknowledge that I truly was the chief of sinners, and if God had not mercifully delivered and saved me on May 21st 1974,  I would still retain that title.   


If you would like to view our church info, you can stroll down to the bottom of this page for more information. 

We are aware of the fact that some of you desire these books in their entirety.  Please keep in mind that on average these  books have 175 pages.  We are not interested in selling you anything, therefore there is no charge for these books. We ONLY accept donation from those who want to help support this ministerial work. 

 For now we are publishing these books in house, but hope to soon be able to publish them (as paperbacks)  on a much larger scale.   In the mean time, we are placing as much of the contents of each of these books online as expeditiously as we possibly can. 

Many Christian bookshelves are filled with books, which proclaims the power of faith.  Many of these books which were written by nationally known ministers, explain how the believers can achieve success.  These books offer “secrets” on how to think and practice your faith so you can be a “winner” and reach your goals.

Over the past few decades, most Christian TV ministries,  promised their supporters, health, wealth, and prosperity.  There is no denying the fact that there is power in faith, when exercised, as outlined in the Bible.  We are told in the scriptures, "6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."   Heb 11:6. 

Many believers came to believe that their faith and obedience, would serve as  an insurance (assurance) policy.   In the sense that they would be exempted from much of life's pain and suffering.

Yet in spite of their expressions and confessions of faith, for many, their turmoil and strife remains.  Many found that their faith did not stop the physical abuse on the part of their spouse. 


Others came to realize that naming and claiming their child for Christ, did not stop their troubled child from continuing down the wrong path. Some claimed perfect health for themselves or a loved one, yet frail health still remains. Others who when they were younger named and claimed perfect health, now are finding in old age, they are  susceptible   to the ailments as everyone else.

Thus they are experiencing, hair loss, having to wear glasses due to bad eyesight, high blood pressure, arthritis, Alzheimer's etc.    In the economic climate we are facing today, many are facing troubling times financially.  Included in this group are many sincere believers. 

Some believers who gave themselves, their pocket book,  and their faith completely over to the doctrine of health and prosperity are now expressing feelings of disillusionment.  Did God fail their faith, Or did their faith fail God?? 

The reality is that  things don’t always work out as you had hoped.    Today some believers have become frustrated or disillusioned when they feel their prayers concerning healing, prosperity, and divine protection, seems to  have gone unanswered.

You can click on book cover to read more from this book, and to view several video teachings from this book. 



THE MIND, A JOURNEY TO SELF UNDERSTANDING---  The truth of the matters, when it comes to seriously thinking about life and all the ramifications that comes with it,  God wants us to think.  No one wants us to seriously and honestly think, ponder and consider, our life’s journey more than our divine creator, God almighty.  It has been his will all along that we arrive at the place of  true self understanding. God is not  intimidated by enquiring minds which ask,  who am I? what is my origin? What is my purpose? What’s beyond this life?   In fact we were designed in such a way,  that questions such as these would come up in our thought processes.  God has given us the ability to both comprehend ourselves and Him.


 Many today view those of us who do choose  to utilize our faith to believe God, as being dimwitted individuals. They say things to us such as,  "You may be a very sincere person," they say, "but unfortunately you have been brainwashed by your religion. Your life of faith may be very meaningful to you, but in reality you are very naive and have simply been duped     With the rapid increase in knowledge,  we now live in a time when many voice this sentiment toward believers.  God is the divine creator of the mind and He wants us to ponder, to reason, to THINK!!!   


     You are God's greatest earthly creation. There is nothing on the planet that even comes in at a close second.  God gave you and I the ability to be self-aware. This is an essence which is unique to man.  Our ability to think, deduce, reasons, choose, and understand the consequences of our choices, comes with a great responsibility.   IT'S CALLED ACCOUNTABILITY.    One of the greatest influences on modern man’s tendency to overestimate self and underestimate God, is rooted in one key fact: Many today think that they are  smarter, more in the know and more intelligent than God.  The truth of the matter is that from Eden up until now, our minds can be easily manipulated.  We need God's help if we are to reach the place of self understanding God calls us to.   For all who think (with an intellectual smirk),  that their minds cannot be manipulated, we challenge you click on the above book.

To read more click on the above book cover.


According to the Bible,  regardless of how we feel that we were born, it is possible to obtain a new birth.   If fact Christ demands it.  Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.  Jn 3:5-7.  This is what sets God's true plan of redemption apart from all of the false worldly religions.   Christ spoke of a new birth experience, via the anointing of the Holy Spirit, which He alone could and would perform in the hearts of all who truly repented and believed.  This new birth experience, goes way past merely being religious, simply believing, or even being a good person. 

It is the actual entering into a relationship with Christ.  Christ sounded a warning that on the day of judgment, many good, religious, and seeming sincere people will be lost, because they never entered a relationship with Him.    21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.  Matt 7:21-23.   (Don't worry if you are honest with yourself and God, He will let you know if you are in a relationship with Him).  

The most dangerous aspect of this salvation conspiracy on the part of Satan is  twofold in nature:    #1. He seeks to convinces men that not even God, can bring forth a real life change, in their lives,  Or #2.  He seeks gives men a counterfeit  change, which consist of a religious affiliation, minus a true relationship with God through Christ.  In this book we expose Satan's efforts to hinder men from obtaining the true new birth.   In doing so I will share my personal story of deliverance and my new birth experience, which took place on May 21st 1974 at 10:30 pm.  Click on the above image to go to first chapter


The Bible tells us that as this age comes to a close that we will be faced with some of the most traumatic times in human history.   “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” 2nd Tim 3:1.  The word perilous means…… *Hard times *Risky times *Dangerous times *Hazardous times *Hard to bare.   We are now going from one major natural disaster to another.  A notable example being the coronavirus, which has been one of the many stressful items we are constantly facing.  There is the unprecedented flooding in certain areas of our country.   In some of our major cities our drinking water has become almost undrinkable due to contamination. Our financial institutions along with the financial condition of many individuals is now in dire straits.  

The Bible tells us that things will deteriorate so bad, that   "22 Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Matt 24:22    We are indeed witnessing the perilous times that the Bible told us would come in the last days.   God loves us and He wants us to be true survivors, in this world and the world to come.   Our survival will depend on what happens just on the other side of death, when we all stand before our divine creator for judgement.  In order for us to be soul survivors. we must give heed to the call of God, in this world, if we are to survive in the world to come.  


  THERE WILL BE  ONLY A FEW SURVIVORS.     One day when Christ was teaching one of those who was listening at his teachings, approached him with this question concerning salvation. "Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved?  (will survive).  Lk 13:23.  It's interesting that the person asked if "many" people would survive.  Evidently the person had been listening to Jesus' preaching and became convinced that Christ seemed to indicate that few people would be saved. In an attempt to seek greater clarification he felt compelled to ask this question.  This person wanted to know if "few" people were saved. 


In response to this question Christ noted that in spite of  all the various religious organizations and religious activity, very few people will actually be saved,  *(in comparison to those who are lost).  And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able." —Luke 13:24. 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.   (only a few will survive).  Matt 7:14-14.    


DIVORCE REMARRIAGE AND BEYOND---- The traditional family setting of a husband and wife, with  no prior marriages living with and raising their own biological kids, has steadily been on the decrees.  For better or worse, we are living in a time when nearly half of all marriages end in separation or divorce. Filled with hope and unbridled optimism, the majority of divorcees go on to remarry and often with children from their previous relationships.  Unfortunately the statistics tell us a very sad but true story. Two thirds of these new unions also break up, especially  when children are involved.


   The complex nature of life within a newly formed step or blended family lends itself to a very high rate of failure. Over the last thirty years, there has been a major shift in the traditional family structure. Given today's high divorce and remarriage rates, families often now include step-parents and step-siblings. Most experts agree that the sensitive issues, delicate feelings and strained relationships that are built into any step situation are intense.  If  these the sensitive issues, delicate feelings, and the strains put on these step relationships, are not handled carefully,  they have the potential to destroy any chance the family has of finding any sense of (if not happiness), at least common ground and common purpose together.     To read more click on the book.

Many in our society have become  fixated on human intellect,  physique, physical attractiveness,  and physical prowess:  Today  these attributes have been elevated to a place of godhood.  At the same time,  we as a society have developed a mindset that has almost completely eliminates any serious consideration for God. In fact many today take pride in labeling these development, as “progress”. 

Man is inherently religious and must worship something during his sojourn on earth. We are all hardwired by our creator to be worshipers, none  of us are exempt from this reality.   If we reject the God of the Bible, the Creator of all things,  we will worship His creation, (the created things). Paul noted that those who reject God and His call on their lives, simply will choose to direct their worship, toward the things He created.  "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature [literally, creation] more than the Creator." Rom 1.    Whatever we most value,  and treasure will be that which we will worship,  focus on and devote  our time, energy, and affections toward.  As we explain in great detail in this book, the number one item of worship today is ourselves.  We will place portions of this book online for you to read soon.

REMEMBERING GOD IN THE DAZE OF YOUTH--- It is critically important that you grasp the essence of who you are, while you are still young.  No one can better explains you to yourself, than your designer and creator.  Unfortunately young adulthood is the time of life, when many tend to leave God out of their life's equation. For many of young people, playing pretend was a major part of their young adolescence.  Many young people grew accustomed to playing pretend via, video games, toy guns, costumes of our favorite super heroes, etc.  For most the game of pretend did not end when they reached young adulthood; the pretense simply takes on a more sophisticated edge.  As most young people reach young adulthood, they quickly realize that life for the most part is still one big question mark.  I wrote this book for those who are just starting to ponder the meaning of life and their very existence.

To read more, click on the book.

In this book we examine what constitutes true wordship.   The desire to worship is universal, its instinctive because we are created in God’s image. Blaise Pascal observed,  “What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness… This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words by God himself."

   The word worship itself speaks of giving worth, time, honor, and glory to something. It came from old English worthship — which means the ascribing of worth.    WORSHIP is an EXPRESSION OF LOVE--What you love most you will worship and adore most:  The degree to which we love something — is the degree to which we ascribe worth to it.

   As Stephen Sizer explains,  “If you have travelled abroad on holiday or for work, you will no doubt have observed a variety of places of worship. Synagogues, mosques, temples, shrines, churches, chapels, cathedrals. Some permanent, some temporary. Some very ancient, some modern. Some ornate and some very simple. If you have ventured inside, you might have seen Muslims prostrating, Shia’s lamenting, Buddhists meditating, Voodoos dancing, Shintos chanting, Hindus sacrificing, Zoroastrians lighting fires, Jews rocking, Sufis whirling, Shakers… shaking, Catholic kneeling, Mystics contemplating, Pentecostals slaying, and Anglicans doing everything, decently and in order.”


      Today there have arisen many different religious organizations which claim that they are God’s chosen to represent Him  and his plan of redemption   Each of these various religious organizations claim that their organization, represents the proper and acceptable way to worship God.   Some of these  religious organizations present their own forms of religious material.   They all claim that their printed material is inspired by God, and shows the path to proper worship.  In some cases these religious organizations claim that their material is even superior to the Bible. 

    We now live in the times that Christ foretold of:  A time when many false religious organizations who claim to  represent God and the proper way to worship Him is abounding.  11  And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.  25  Behold, I have told you before.  Matt 24:4-25.   One of the most daunting task, a person who seeks to know God will ever face, is comprehending the difference between being a true worshiper verses being religious.  



We have now reached the time when preaching and teaching has become merely a form of entertainment.  Many today have opted to view preaching in this light, rather then it being an instructive tool by which we can learn how to utilize the word for real life application.   God takes note of how we hear the word, but he also notes how we respond to the word we hear. God noted  to Ezekiel how his people had fallen away from their zeal for the word, so much so that preaching became nothing more than mere entertainment.   3Also, thou son of man, the children of thy people still are talking against thee by the walls and in the doors of the houses, and speak one to another, every one to his brother, saying, Come, I pray you, and hear what is the word that cometh forth from the Lord. 31 And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness. 32 And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument:  (MERE ENTERTAINMENT). for they hear thy words, but they do them not.  Ezek 33:30-32.   (more on this later).    

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephe 5:16. The time,” refers to the time at our disposal, our own personal time.   The concept behind this idiom, redeeming the time, is that we are to "buy up” with the intent of utilizing in a spiritually positive manner all the time we can.   Today if ye will hear his voice,  Harden not your hearts,   Heb 3:7. The apostle Paul tells us that the time to answer God’s call is “TODAY.”  The reason why today is so important is because, no one dies yesterday and no one dies tomorrow.  When we die, we die today. We live our lives one day at a time. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow never comes.  

   We are to make full use of our time, to use our time to full advantage. This involves being wise, and not being foolish. We must make good use of our time in preparing ourselves to give account to our creator of how we used our allotted time.  Our minutes, hours, days and years are gifts from God.  Time equals opportunity; this opportunity comes with responsibility, which translates into accountability. 

   Roy Davison tells us,  “ On the day of judgment we will give account for how we used this valuable treasure: whether we used our time for good or ill; whether we used our time for selfish, self-centered purposes or to honor God and serve our fellow man; whether we used our time to build up or to tear down; whether we accomplished something or wasted our time on earth. You can wait to spend your money, but you cannot wait to spend your time. Time is passing by. Its proper use requires constant attention.”   

SET FREE, LOVE, SEX, ROMANCE ADDICTION--- A vast majority of our society seek after the things which give them pleasure, minus a real relationship with God.  They seek pleasure in drugs, sex, sports, religion, worldly possessions, etc.  The spirit of Hedonism: a devotion to the pursuit of carnal pleasures, via self-indulgence, is prevalent today.  A hedonist is characterized by a love affair with, and a single-minded pursuit of, carnal pleasure and self indulgence.  Much of this mindset is acted out sexually, or by way of emotional attachments, via a relationship.  The mindset of Hedonism rejects the notion that choosing to obey, honor, and respect God, brings the greatest sense of fulfillment.  Hedonism believes that the pursuit and obtaining of the carnal pleasures, which stimulate the emotions and the five senses, is the ultimate source of pleasures.  Hedonism proclaims,  "if it feels good to me, it must be right for me".  This mindset has led many down the bath of sex and love addiction.  

To read more click on the book.

 WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT???    Desire– The word desire is defined as: a sense of longing for a person or object or hoping for an outcome. The same sense is expressed by emotions such as "craving" or "hankering". When a person desires something, someone, or a certain outcome, their sense of longing is excited by the enjoyment or the thought of the item,  person, or certain outcome. What determines the choices we make in life, the lifestyle  we live and the very future itself can be summed up in one word, DESIRE. Before we can resolve the various conflicts in our lives, we must first come to terms, with just exactly what we want in life.  In order to do this we must  understand how our value system is prioritized. Our affections, emotions and conduct reveals what we most desire, but these items don’t always clearly reveal why we desire certain, objects, situations, and circumstances to the degree that we do so.  Some objects, and situations, of our desires are good and others are not so good.  There is no denying the fact that whatever we choose to seek for most, will impact our lives.  This holds true not only in this world, but in the world to come also. There are many things in this world that we can set our desires on. In essence, we are our desires, and our desires are us. It’s for this reason that Christ tells us that the greatest commandment of all is to love (DESIRE) God above all else.  Christ tells us that the value system we function in is closely linked to what we most desire.   What we most desire becomes what we most treasure. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Lk 6:34.

THE PRESENCE OF GOD---- Our deliverance from our sinful nature and the obtaining  of true rest and peace, can only be accomplished in the presence of God.  God has both made a way for us to come in his presence, and lovingly invites us to come.  Our ability to come before his presence and obtain the fullness he offers requires that we come humbly and honestly before him.  No matter where we may go true joy, peace, and completeness,  can only be obtained in the presence of God.  As the psalmist said, "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore". Psalms 16:11. 

To read more click on the book.


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Sunday morning 10:00 am---Wednesday 6:30 pm 

Full Gospel Word Church 

1401 Rosewood Drive.

Columbia S.C. 29205 USA

We are just off USC campus. USC students are welcome. 

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Leah Denman LPC, MA

As a mental health counselor, I am dedicated to providing compassionate support and guidance to individuals navigating the complexities of their emotional well-being. With a deep understanding of the challenges individuals face, I strive to create a safe and nonjudgmental space where clients can explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. By employing evidence-based techniques and drawing from a holistic approach to therapy, I aim to empower my clients to identify strengths, overcome obstacles, and cultivate resilience on their journey toward healing and personal growth.

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