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WELCOME-- Over the years we have written and produced many study books, which dealt with real life issues.  I would write and produce these books, and give them out at no charge to all who attended our services.  These are not small booklets, but are full size books, with on average over two hundred pages.

We have completed a new three book series, which deals with some of today's most pressing life issues.   This three book series is comprised of over seven hundred fully illustrated pages,  which are designed in such a way as to add simplicity to some of the most complex issues.   We will be making this three book series available for you in ebook form or in printed form very soon. 


By all indications the way I was living  my life in the late 60s and early 70s, I was the last person, who anyone would have thought would do a book series such as this.    During that period of my life, I was hevily into drugs, partying, and women.   I had brushes with the law, that should have caused me to have been locked up much longer, than my brief stents of incarsiration.   Yet in spite of it all a mricous transformation took place in my life, that shocked many of my family and friends. 

 As I explain when sharing mt story,  it was on May 21st 1974 that I had a radical (born again) encounter with Christ, that totally changed the trajectory of my life for the good.

As I have often admitted when sharing my story, I did many things sexually, criminally, and relation-nal ship wise, that I am now ashamed of.   I hurt others, I hurt myself, and I’m sure I was a great disappointment to God.  It is perhaps the words of the apostle Paul which best express how I honestly view myself.   "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."  1st Tim 1:15-16.  When sharing my story I openly acknowledge that I truly was the chief of sinners, and if God had not mercifully delivered and saved me on May 21st 1974,  I would still retain that title.   


THE BEAST RISING--Thousands of years ago God prophetically told us that we would be at the place we have arrived at..  And thousands of years ago, He have us the answers that many are so desperately seeking. 

It is in the book of Daniel that we are introduced to the beastly system   It’s there that we are told of an end time rising of the fourth and final beastly system   Among the various beastly mentioned by Daniel, he notes that the fourth beast will be more ferocious than any of its predecessors  

 “After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it.”

Daniel further tells us, of some notable characteristic of this end time beast system  And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws:”   Dan 7:25. 

God saw the future long before we got here and has provided us with sound advice and guidance.  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Rev 1.  God knows everything,  he knows the past because he was there,  He knows the present because he is here, and he know the future, because he is already in all of our tomorrows waiting for us to show up.. 

For us as believers, we are now facing issues that just a few short years ago never came to mind.  Yet God addressed these issues thousands of years ago.  In this three book series, we address many of the complex issues we now face.

As Dr Albert Mohler, Jr. explains,  “We are now witnessing a sexual and lifestyle storm brewing whose winds is blowing away the traditional  structures of basic human identity.

Starting with the most basic structure of all which is the distinctive roles of  male and females.  Words such  as male—female, husband---wife,  mother---father which were once the common vocabulary of every society in its own language, are now under tremendous pressure to conform to this so called liberal  mindset that has invaded every area of our society.

 Many of those who now demand revolutionary changes in these areas (marriage family, child rearing and sex education),  make clear, there will be no model of a normative family structure left in its wake.”

Many who claim to be societal repair experts, tell us that they have the solution to undo the chaos, evil and violence,  that has saturated our society.  They tell us that what is needed is, better educational and employment opportunities, and a platform where there can proper dialogue among people from every class and walk of life.  

We can be sure that a loving God, would agree with the right of all to have better educational and employment opportunities, and the importance of having a platform where there can proper dialogue.  

God loves us and He gives us the real  solution for the perilous times we now live in.

According to our loving heavenly father, the real solution is to make Him and His guidelines our number one priority.  He promises that if we are willing to do this, He will shower His blessings of healing upon us.  Even if the world at large, does not take this offer seriously, we as believers should. 

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  2nd Chrn 7:14.


If you live in our area,  come and join us for these studies. 




Sunday morning 10:00 am---Wednesday 6:30 pm 

Full Gospel Word Church 

1401 Rosewood Drive.

Columbia S.C. 29205 USA

We are just off USC campus. USC students are welcome. 

© 2005  These items are protected under copy right.  No portion of this site is to be copied or used unless kept in its original format the way it appears. Articles can be reproduced in portions for ones personal use, any other use is to have the permission of the author first. Thank You. We would like to hear from you. Please send us an e- mail and let us know how we can be of  more help.


Leah Denman LPC, MA

As a mental health counselor, I am dedicated to providing compassionate support and guidance to individuals navigating the complexities of their emotional well-being. With a deep understanding of the challenges individuals face, I strive to create a safe and nonjudgmental space where clients can explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. By employing evidence-based techniques and drawing from a holistic approach to therapy, I aim to empower my clients to identify strengths, overcome obstacles, and cultivate resilience on their journey toward healing and personal growth.

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