WELCOME-- Over the years we have written and produced many study books, which dealt with real life issues. I would write and produce these books, and give them out at no charge to all who attended our services. These are not small booklets, but are full size books, with on average over two hundred pages.
We have completed a new three book series, which deals with some of today's most pressing life issues. This three book series is comprised of over seven hundred fully illustrated pages, which are designed in such a way as to add simplicity to some of the most complex issues. We will be making this three book series available for you in ebook form or in printed form very soon.
God knows everything, He knows the past because He was there, He knows the present because He is here, and He know the future, because He is already there, waiting for us to show up.
We have arrived at the place that God said we would and the issues that He knew would come to the forefront have surfaced. The good news is that God addressed all of these so called "modern issues" thousands of years ago, all we have to do now is to open His book, read and gain the valuable understanding the world so desperately needs.
You can stroll down and view the table of content for each of these three books. As we have said these books are intended to either be a one straight read, or continual reference books, as these issue come up. These books will be available in the next few weeks, please check back. Consider
| The end times signs--------------------------------------------------
The terminal generation--------------------------------------------
Manipulated minds, from Eden to Sodom------------------------
The introduction to the beastly system---------------------------
Have you received the mark of the beast? ----------------------
The final countdown everything is falling into place-------
The great falling away, are we there yet? -----------------------
The resurgence of the religion of Humanism-------------------
A rapid increase in knowledge, AI? the beastly impact---
Revisiting Sodom, truth verses error---------------------------
When God gives up, the tragic results-----------------------------
To judge or not to judge, expressing a balanced love------
It is critical that we love those who are LGBTQ--------------
Is God and the Bible misogynistic as some claim? --------
Defining a woman-The erasure of women ----------------------
The return to Sodom--------------------------------------------------------
| Liberty and justice for all, At what cost??-------------------------
The beast rising--A time of a great famine------------------------
The Bible under attack-----------------------------------------------------
(God’s response to the skeptics)
Validating the Bible via the creation narrative -----------------
The physical proof which validates the Bible -------------------
The prophetical evidence which validates the Bible----------
As prophesied, we’ve returned to a most violent time -----
The all out attack on marriage ------------------------------------------
“Love is love” is this true or false? ---------------------------------
Does God view cohabitating as a marriage? ---------------------
A right understanding of LGBTQ-ISM------------------------------
LGBTQ-ISM forever the victim, who is victimizing who? --
Truthophobia verses homophobia-----------------------------------
By birth or by choice? Are some people born gay? --------
What about our kids? God still cares-------------------------------
The many shades of Gay, (A darker shade) ----------------------
(A painful childhood memory)
| The final countdown ----Striving to survive-------------------------
Satan’s agenda destabilize the family--------------------------------
Desperate women, wimpy, uncommitted men--------------------
The “My baby’s daddy” syndrome----------------------------------
The message behind the veil, God has a set order ------------
Masculinity and Femininity, blurring the lines-------------------
The matter of cross dressing-------------------------------------------
MALE? FEMALE? The truth is in the DNA-------------------------
Transgender men in women sports fair or unfair? -------------
Human Sexuality, God is the best expert on the subject----
The impact of the telecommunication age-------------------------
The devastating impact of internet porn----------------------------
Israel in the crosshairs-The countdown to Armageddon----
Being a soul survivor, God’s guidelines---------------------------
Conversion theraphy verses God's power to deliver--------
Unlock the Mystery of the End Times Biblical Prophecy in “The Beast Rising” series!
In the three book series “The Beast Rising”, unravel the complex symbols and messages surrounding the beast of Revelation and signs of the end times as well as how they pertain to yourself, your family and relationships (including the complex issue of human sexuality), and other major societal issues.
- Gain insight and journey through detailed interpretations of prophetic Biblical texts, revealing what they mean for yourself and the current state of the world.
- Gain knowledge on how Biblical prophecies resonate with present day events.
- Practice applying the wisdom gained from Biblical end times prophecies in your life and community, in preparation for many of the opportunities and challenges ahead.
Don’t pass on this chance to arm yourself with knowledge that has stood the test of time. No matter who you are or where you are in your life, these books are essential for understanding the spiritual environment of our time and prepare you in these last days.
Order your copies today and become a much needed part of the conversation about what the future holds!
OUR BIGGEST MISTAKE-- For many in our society the biggest mistake we have made is to discount God and His guidelines. Many have plotted a life course that completely leaves God out of the equation, or least relegated Him to a place of irrelevance.
What is so amazing about God is that He addressed all the critical life issues that we are now facing in a book that He inspired to be written and completed two thousand years ago (The Bible). Worldwide we are now facing issues that just a few short years ago barely came to mind. Way in advance God saw these issues and addressed every one of these issues thousands of years ago.
Long before, the mass of humanity arrived at the place that we are now at God foretold that we would be right where we are now at and acting just the way we are now acting. In fact, it is safe to say that no one functions outside of the realm of God’s perfect knowledge of everything.
Thus, the Bible accurately tells us of the past (the things that were), The present (the things that now are), and the future (the things to come). God, The Divine Author of the scriptures declares His uniqueness in this area. “Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” Isaiah 46:9-11, (NIV).
Many who claim to be societal repair experts, tell us that they have the solution to undo the chaos, evil and violence, that has saturated our society. They tell us that what is needed is better educational and employment opportunities and a platform where there can proper dialogue among people from every class and walk of life.
God loves us and He gives us the real solution for the perilous times we now live in. According to our loving heavenly father, the real solution is to make Him and His guidelines our number one priority. He promises that if we are willing to do this, He will shower His blessings of healing upon us. Even if the world at large, does not take this offer seriously, we as believers should.
THE BEAST RISING--Thousands of years ago God prophetically told us that we would be at the place we have arrived at.. And thousands of years ago, He have us the answers that many are so desperately seeking.
It is in the book of Daniel that we are introduced to the beastly system It’s there that we are told of an end time rising of the fourth and final beastly system Among the various beastly mentioned by Daniel, he notes that the fourth beast will be more ferocious than any of its predecessors
“After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it.”
Daniel further tells us, of some notable characteristic of this end time beast system “ And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws:” Dan 7:25.
By all indications it should have been anyone but me, telling this story--- The lifestyle I embarked on during the late 60s and early 70s, placed a early death sentence on me. In fact it's safe to say that hardly anyone expected me to live past my 20s. During that period of my life, I was heavily into drugs, partying, and women. And at time it seemed that I was a one person crime wave. I went from being a part of the hippie movement, to hanging on the strip, as part of the thug scene, to bank robbery, to drug dealing (and overdoses), and beyond. I had brushes with the law, that should have caused me to have been locked up much longer, than my brief stents of incarceration.
Yet in spite of it all, I experience a miraculous transformation in my life, that totally changed the trajectory of my life. The transformation was so radical that it came as a shock to both family and friends. I still remember the utter amazement on the part of my thug associates, and my drug buddies, when I would share my story of what happened, on May 21st 1974.
I have not forgotten where I came from-- As I have often admitted when sharing my story, I did many things sexually, criminally, and relation-nal ship wise, that I am now ashamed of. I hurt others, I hurt myself, and I’m sure I was a great disappointment to God. It is perhaps the words of the apostle Paul which best express how I honestly view myself. "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief." 1st Tim 1:15-16. When sharing my story I openly acknowledge that I truly was the chief of sinners, and if God had not mercifully delivered and saved me on May 21st 1974, I would still retain that title.
If you live in our area, come and join us for these studies.
Sunday morning 10:00 am---Wednesday 6:30 pm
Full Gospel Word Church
1401 Rosewood Drive.
Columbia S.C. 29205 USA
We are just off USC campus. USC students are welcome.
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