We are familiar with the benefits of having a survival manual, in these dangerous and uncertain times. Survival is the natural is on the minds of many in these uncertain times. In the spiritual realm, the Bible is God’s survival manual, it tells us what it takes to survive. Like any good survival manual, it is written in a way to instruct us in regards to the things which can best help us survive. Like any good survival manual, it is written in a way to instruct us in regards to the things which can best help us survive.
It is not written in such a way as to spare our feelings, or to make us comfortable in or with the things that threaten our survival. While many in our society and in church pulpits, are flattering, and celebrating others to their own hurt and eternal destruction: The Bible does no such thing. It simply tells us the truth about, 1. Our conduct, 2. Our character, and 3. Our true state of being, as seen through the eyes of God. The Bible tells us a great deal about God, His will for us, and about ourselves. It tells us how things were in the beginning, it tells about the fall of man in Eden, and it tells us about God’s redemptive work at Calvary.
The Bible tells us about the character of God, it tells of both the love of God and the wrath of God. It tells us about the fallen nature of man, and list the three carnal things we are most prone to do, which also are the three things that threaten our eternal survival. 1. The lust of the flesh, 2. The lust of the eyes, and 3. The pride of life. It tells us how God would have us to be., and the consequences if we refuse .
Paul tells us, “16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” 2nd Tim 3:16-17. As conformation that the Bible is God’s inspired survival manual, God even tells us in advance about the end times and the ever increasing threats to our survival that these times will bring.